democracy is a parenting issue
The research is clear (and not surprising.) People are more likely to listen and follow advice from people they already know and respect- or as they call it in advocacy circles -“relational organizing” by “trusted messengers.”
The parent leaders, educators, childcare and other community providers that families rely on for advice and to care for their children are already the communities’ “Trusted Messengers.” But most of us have never thought of offering information or advice about democracy!
In these hyper partisan times, many of us go out of way not to bring up politics... we're not asking you to do that! Democracy is a fragile system that requires each of us to understand and act on a set of principles first created by our founding fathers... its not controversial, its foundational!
Our goal is to empower leaders to take on this mantle; offering the training and tools they need to
confidently launch non-partisan conversations and opportunties to parents, children and families in order to maintain our democracy and ensure the intergeneration transfer of skills and values that will keep it healthy!
A participatory in-person or online training of trainers and toolkit
for parent leaders, educators and other family service providers.
This experiential training invites participants to:
Explore their personal experiences of democracy, voting and civic engagement.
Review the US history of voting and the experiences of traditionally disenfranchised communities.
Invite reflection on how parents from disenfranchised communities - in their program, their city, state,
and in diverse communities across the country, may manifest these experiences today.
Practice using the Parents Grow Democracy tools and strategies- to confidently launch authentic civic engagement conversations with parents and families.
Integrate this knowledge into existing or new programming.
Research and communicate how their own organizations, agencies or schools are impacted by local and state government elections.
Stay non-partisan, working as an ally to connect parents to what they want and need to make informed voting decisions.
Connect with non-partisan organizations that will support parents’ efforts to overcome voting barriers including transportation, voter IDs etc. to facilitate parents’ ability to participate.
Ensure, as adults, that they model local, state and national voting and civic engagement to our children and families - framing it as a “rite of passage” into adulthood, a responsibility for maintaining democracy.